Admin dashboard in Laravel 9 HR System Management

Admin dashboard in Laravel 9 HR System Management

 Admin dashboard in Laravel  9 HR System

Hello Dev,

This tutorial will give you an example of how to clone laravel project from Github. let’s discuss steps to clone laravel project from Github. I explained simply about the clone laravel project from Github. This article goes in detail on the clone laravel project from Github on the server.

In this tutorial, I will show you step by step how to clone laravel projects from Github, GitLab, or bitbucket and set up an ubuntu server from scratch. you can easily clone laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, and laravel 9 projects from this post.

So, let's follow the below step by step and get done with the clone laravel app.

Git Clone my Project

1.Run `git clone 'link projer github'
2.Run composer update
3.Run cp .env.example .env or copy .env.example .env
4.Run php artisan key:generate
5.Run php artisan migrate
6.Run php artisan serve
7.Go to link localhost:8000

Step 1: Git Clone Laravel 9

First, clone a new Laravel app just by running the below command in your terminal.

Step 2: Composer Update

Type command in your terminal.

composer update

Step 3: Update Your Database Credentials

After that update your database credentials in your .env file which is located in your project root.

1. connection databases

DB_PASSWORD=#your database password
2. for send mail when fogot password

MAIL_USERNAME=your email
MAIL_PASSWORD='your password email'

Step 4: Make Migration

After adding the migration file now run the migrate command.

php artisan migrate

Step 5:Run

After adding the run file now run the migrate command.

php artisan serve

Souy Soeng

Our website teaches and reads PHP, Framework Laravel, and how to download Admin template sample source code free. Thank you for being so supportive!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I adapted create_users_talbe.php, I added nullable on the line

      and then it works !!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Any one can register as a super admin and then can login. I think this can be a security threat. There should be a super admin and after that super admin should add user accordingly

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